7 Good Benefits Of Watermelon And Precautions Before Buying Them

Summer is on the way. You might be planning for summer holidays or picnics. But what are your plans to stay healthy in summer ? During hot days of summer your body will go on dehydrating. You might have dicided to have a cold drink or ice cream to make you feel good in summer. But these things gonna make consume more sugar and that's not really good. But don't worry, because here is a good alternative for you - a watermelon. This will definitely help you to bear this harsh summer and stay hydrated. Along with this you can get other benefits too.

How Eating Watermelon Is Going To Benefit You ?

1. Keeps You Hydrated
Watermelon contains about 92 % water in its whole mass. It is an good alternative to keep your body hydrated during summer season. As during summer, your body dehydrates more than in any other season. You must keep your body supplied with adaquate quantity of water to prevent dehydration and sunstroke. So instead of consuming packaged soft drink which contains a lot of sugar content in it, here is better option for you - hydrate your body with juicy bites of watermelon.

2. Good For Skin and Hair
In many studies, it had been found that vitamin C prevents cellular degeneration. It protects your cells from damage and give quicker healing to damaged cells. It also prevents problems related to hairs

Vitamin C is present in Watermelon in more amount. This amount is sufficient to help you to protect and nurish your skin. So for healthy skin you must include watermelon in your diet.

In addition to this, watermelon can help you to protect your hair from damage. Another benefit is that you can prevent you hairfall problems by consuming watermelon.

3. Helpful In Prevention Of Cancer
Scientists have done research on lycopene, a compound in watermelon which gives watermelon its red colour. They found that lycopene helps to lower the risk of cancer.

It has been observed during scientific studies that compounds present in watermelon helps to prevent growth of tumor.

4. Full Of Antioxidants To Make You Feel Younger
Free radicals in our body contributes in aging process. Antioxidants are that chemicals which will help to limit or stop the damage caused by free radicals on your body.

Watermelon contains some of the antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene. These antioxidants in Watermelon will help you to prevent diseases caused due to aging such as diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure.

5. Gives You A Healthy Vision
Due to deficiency of vitamin A, cilliary muscles of our eys becomes weaker. This causes effect on our vision.

If you you are facing such problem or if you don't want wear spectacle, you should eat watermelon. The reason for this is higher content of vitamin A in watermelon.

6. Keeps Your Heart Healthy
Now a days, most of the world population is victim of heart diseases.
Reason for its cause is the change in lifestyle of people.

We can prevent these diseases by consuming watermelon to some extent but there is need of a healthy lifestyle too.

Water melon consist of more potassium in it which helps to lower the blood pressure. Also the compound called lycopene is helpful lowering the risk of heart stroke.

7. Relieve Stress On Your Muscles
Excessive work containing heavy muscle exercise can cause pain in muscles. Amino acid present in watermelon helps to relieve muscle stress. So, it is useful in prevention of muscle soreness.

Read More : Benefits Of Oranges

Read More : Benefits Of Guava 

Take Following Precautions While Buying a Watermelon :

1. Now a days many fruits are artificially ripened using chemicals and watermelon too. Before buying you check whether the colour of watermelon is not too much red, which means that it is artificially ripened. It should be somewhat light green from inside near the edges.

2. Don't buy watermelons which are already kept cut.

3. Do not buy watermelon having some damage or black spots on it this shows that they are not fresh and may contain some chemicals.

4. When you buy watermelon, keep it in a water for an hour so that chemicals on it get removed.

5. If you cut the watermelon and observed any cracks on the inner surface it indicates that watermelon is chemically ripened.

If you loved this post then please share it with friends, colleagues and relatives so that they can also know the benefits of watermelon.

Stay Happy - Stay Healthy -"Eat With Joy".

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