10 Benefits Of Eating Guava Which Can Keep You Healthy

Guava is common fruit. It is easily available in market or many people can grow guava trees in their house.This simple and sweet in taste fruit one can enjoy with bites.

Guava, a green coloured fruit which has either red or white internal colour. Red coloured guava contains caretenoid in them, which is a colouring element in carrots and tomatoes. White coloured guava doesn't contains caretenoid and this is the reason behind difference colours of guava.

Guava, an ordinary fruit is replete with antioxidants. Vitamin C and lycopene are other useful nutrients in guava. You might not know that eating one guava a day can do much more for your health.

Benefits Of Guava

1. Helpful For Regulating Diabetics

2. Improves Your Digestive Health

3. Strengthen Your Immunity

4. Improves Your Vision

5. Prevent Cardiac Diseases

6. Beneficial During Pregnancy

7. Helpful In Weight Loss

8. Beneficial For Healthy Skin

9. Provide Protection Against Cancer

10. Reduces Stress level

Read More: Benefits Of Oranges

1. Helpful For Regulating Diabetics
Guava has low calorie and good amount of fibre. Fibre content in guavas helps to regulate blood sugar level. Fibres helps to improve your digestive health and therefore reduces bad cholesterol in body. Thus guava consumption reduces the risk of diabetes.

2. Improves Your Digestive Health
As guava is rich in dietary fibres, it can help to improve your digestion. Antimicrobial properties of guava protects against attack by bacteria and various pathogen. Guava leaves can be helpful in case of vomiting and nausea. Guava is helpful in treating diarrhea due to its antimicrobial properties. Guava can give you a healthy digestive system.

3. Strengthen Your Immunity
Guava is packed with lots of vitamin C as similar to oranges. It contains more amount of vitamin C than oranges. If you frequently get affected by diseases then this shows that you have low immunity. You need to boost up your immunity. Guava will help you to do this as it has vitamin C. It fights against various disease causing pathogen. It is a myth that guava causes cough and cold. But actually, it helps to get rid of cough and cold. As already mentioned, it helps to boost up your immunity.

4. Improves Your Vision
You might know that vitamin A is good for your eyes. Vitamin A is one of the component of guava and it helps you to improve your vision. It also helps to prevent degeneration of eye muscles.

5. Prevent Cardiac Diseases
Guava contains very less amount of fat  only about 1 g and 0% cholesterol. This is gonna much beneficial in maintaining your heart health and as result of which prevents risk of heart stroke. Potassium is also present in appreciable amount in guava which helps you to maintain blood pressure level.

6. Beneficial During Pregnancy
Guava is good source of folate which proves to be very important during pregnancy. Various studies shows that it helps in elimination of birth defects related to baby's brain and spinal cord.

7. Helpful In Weight Loss
As guava contains lower amount of calories and fat it can help you to reduce your body weight. It contains some properties that can helps you to lower your body weight. So if you want to lose your weight, you should include guava in your diet.

8. Beneficial For Healthy Skin
Guava, a good source of antioxidants can help to improve your skin health. It delays the signs of aging and prevent skin damage. Vitamin A and vitamin C help to protect skin from degeneration and improve life of skin cells.
Antimicrobial properties of guava helps to prevent acne which usually caused by certain bacteria.

9. Provide Protection Against Cancer
Guava fruit and leaves contains various medical compounds that helps to prevent cancer. Vitamin C and antioxidant lycopene is helpful in fighting free radicals that enters in our body that causes cancer.

10. Reduces Stress Level
Magnesium present in guava is responsible for this. Magnesium has properties that helps to relieve stress on muscles and nerves. Research had found that magnesium reduces anxiety. If you are in stress grab a guava rather than any tablets.

From all above benefits we can conclude that guava is very beneficial for us and we can have ample of advantages from it. It does not have any significant side effects. But it is always preferred that we shouldn't eat too much to take its advantage. One or two guava a day can be helpful.

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Stay Happy, Stay Healthy and Eat With Joy..

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