10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Oranges

  Sweet, juicy and delicious oranges are grown all over the world. These citrusy fruits are one of most healthy fruits. Apart from its sweet and citrusy nature it is enriched with lots of healthy nutrients. If we say that, It is packed with nutrients then it won't be wrong. There are lot of benefits that we can get by regular consumption of oranges. It is good to develop a habit of eating oranges regular basis.

Nutrients in Orange

  1. Orange is rich source of vitamin C. Basically vitamin C (88%) is essential nutrient which is involved in repair of tissue and enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is also used to treat scurvy. It also functions as antioxidant.
  2. Apart from vitamin C oranges contain vitamin A (4%) and vitamin B-6 (5%). Vitamin A is necessary for maintenance of immune system and good vision. Vitamin B-6 is involved in maintaining good metabolism and secretion of useful enzymes.
  3. Potassium, calcium and magnesium are also the important nutrients available in 2% to 5% in orange.
  4. Flavonoid is also found in some amount in orange.

Benefits of eating oranges

  1. Regular consumption of orange reduces the risk of cancer.
  2. Oranges also help in maintaining blood pressure pressure due to potassium content in it.
  3. It lowers risk of heart attack and ischemic stroke. This is due to presence of potassium content in orange.
  4. As orange are rich in vitamin C it will prevent us from diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin C, such as scurvy.
  5. The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline content in oranges all support heart health.
  6. It is very helpful in preventing problems like kidney stones which are fatal for functioning of urinary system.
  7. As very less amount of sugar is present in orange, it helps in regulating blood sugar level. It is very healthy alternative for people suffering because of diabetes.
  8. Cholesterol in body is maintained due to consumption of oranges.
  9. Risk of muscular degeneration is reduced because of it's intake of potassium. As orange contain it in sufficient quantity, it proves much beneficial.
  10. Last but not the least, orange takes good care of eyes. They are much in improving the strength of eye muscles.
Read More: Health Benefits of Fruits

Researchers' point of view

  Lead Researcher Associate Professor Bamini Gopinath from the University of Sydney said, "Data showed that flavonoids in oranges appear to help prevent against the eye disease."
He also said that,"Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants found in almost all fruits and vegetables, and they have important anti-inflammatory benefits for the immune system."

  According to the American Heart Association (AHA), eating higher amounts of a compound found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit may lower ischemic stroke risk for women.

Tips to include it in a diet

  1. Include oranges in diet 2-3 times in a week, it will be beneficial for health.
  2. It is good to drink orange juice, but prefer eating oranges rather than consuming orange juice because it contains more nutrient than juice. But if you love drinking juice, then you should drink fresh juice.
  3. Don't consume orange juice available in packaged form as they contains preservatives and have very low nutrient content. Make orange juice by your own as you will sure about the content you added in it.
  4. Consume freshly made orange juice as vitamin C decays when it comes in contact with air.
  5. You can also include it in diet as salad with slices of apple, grapes and banana.

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Eat with joy and stay healthy, stay happy..

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