Why do We Waste Food ?

Hello everyone !
I hope all of you must be enjoying your life. Enjoying holidays, enjoying weekend, enjoying parties, festivals and so many things. On all these occasions you must not forgot most important factor which gives us joy. It is food which gives us joy.

But nowadays, there is growth of bad habit of wasting food among the folks. I am not blaming everyone. There are also some people who don't waste food. They cook food according to their requirement. But we should be little worried about the people who cook more than they actually require.

On many occasions like marriage, parties, reception or any other public gathering, we might have seen or experienced that many people take much quantity of food items in their plates than they actually need. People get attracted to variety of food and without    thinking about their requirement of food they take extra in their plates. After they have their stomachs filled and when they find themselves unable to eat any further food item in plate, they just put their plates in dustbin without finishing the food they have taken. This causes much wastage of food.

This is not only the case in parties but it seen in our homes too. Many people cook much more food than they actually need. This extra food remains unconsumed and after 1 or 2 days it's thrown in a garbage as it becomes unsuitable for consumption.

Whenever we go to any hotel or any restaurant, we might have observed that some people order plenty of food which might be more than they require and  if they couldn't finish the ordered food they leave it on the table. This food is then thrown into a garbage by staff in that restaurant. This is not a fault of hotel management because the food wasted by the people can't be served to another customer. So hotel management prefer to throw it. But people who waste the food they are responsible for these wastage for food  because it is their responsibility to finish the food that they have ordered.  There is one another reason which is given by the people for wastage of food, they order certain dish but they doesn't like it's taste and that's why they doesn't eat that particular dish.

Respect For Food

Don't think that food is a non living thing so we shouldn't respect it. It is the most important factor of life for which everyone is struggling. Food fulfills our hunger and is essential for life. It makes us live happy life. It is the product of farmer's dedicated hard work. Farmers face extreme harsh sun rays, cold winter and heavy rain for production of crop. They take lots of efforts. We must respect their hard work.

About one-third of food produced all over the world is being wasted every year. But most of the people who get it easily has no value for it. There are many people in this world who cannot even get it twice in a day. Many people are and not getting sufficient amount of food  and are dying every year in huge number because of hunger. Children are getting victims to malnutrition due to insufficient food.

Some people have this point of view that if they are spending there money for the food, then they have complete right to waste food. This way of thinking is observed in self centered people which is much harmful for our society. Though we are spending our money for food but we should also have respect for all the effort taken by many people to present it in front of you in your plate. Farmers grow crop, protects it. Marketers bring it in market. People in houses or chief in hotel or restaurant prepare various dishes for you. Many people are involved in this process for filling you stomach. They are doing great job of fulfilling people's hunger, but only thing we do is to disrespect there hard work. But we should change our point of view and we must respect food. We must feel that we are lucky enough to have it in sufficient quantity.

Food is God

Since our childhood we are taught by our parents and even by our teachers that food is similar to God. Many of us might have heard this line "Anna He Purnbramhha" which means food is God. This is taught to every child from his childhood. The main purpose of this is not spread any superstition but to make all of us to respect food. And why we shouldn't respect food which does so many things for us ? Food, not only satisfies our hunger but also helps  us to live healthy and happy life. It is source of energy for us. It keeps us disease free provides necessary nutrients that our body needs. Older generation which was not much developed as much we are today could  understand importance of food. But we are the people who are living in modern age, having knowledge about many things than them are lacking the about these basic things. Our own culture taught us to save food, still we, the people who are affected by modern culture and don't give respect to food. There is only one solution for food wastage taking place all over the world that is respect for food. If everyone begin respect food they won't throw their food in garbage. They will find ways to save it.

  Food wastage can be stopped only if everyone has respect for food.

Few things you can do to stop food wastage:

  • We should cook only as much quantity of food as we actually need. This will help us to stop wastage of food in our home.
  • Also in hotel or restaurant we should order only required amount of food. This has two benefits, it will save our money as well as food.
  • In parties or any other public gathering function, first of all we should take a look at all food item in buffet. Then take only those food items we like or we want to eat. Don't take extra food items in your dish.
  • There are many NGOs and organizations which takes leftover food from parties and program to poor people in slum who really need it. So if you have any program in your home and if there is some leftover food then you should call such NGO. They will take this food to poor people. This method can help the needy people.

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